This time around, a client contacted us in a very interesting fashion. He sent a book about fundamentals of SaaS solutions on Microsoft platform, specified the chapter he was referring to and inquired whether we were able to do what is written. “There are very few things we cannot do” was our response.
The gist of the project can be put as an online testing startup. Specifically the testing was aimed at potential employees. What it did was check whether somebody is cut out for a job based on their personal and professional characteristics for jobs like manager, sales agent, director and many others.
The best thing about the project was that testing methodology was thoroughly worked on offline prior to starting the project. It presented it self as a ”know how” technique, to which only the author would have access to. One of the key benefits of this technique was identifying the points where a potential employee is lying. Our goal was to transform it into a comfortable online service.
- Duplication of the most important functions of the site
- The service development of data integration with the backend of the existing system
- A user-friendly interface
- An ability to edit content and change settings
- Online and offline operating modes
The product we provided gives the option for the companies to cut the costs on the recruitment department. To use it, all you need is to create an account, purchase a set of tests that you need, type in the contacts of the people you want to test and send invitation emails to them by clicking a button. Then, these people go through the online testing while their statistics is being gathered and displayed on the dashboard. The benefit of doing this is you save tremendous amounts of time to establish who you would want to invite to your office without any input into the first round of interviews.

Users are also able to configure the system so that it decides whether the person has passed the test based on the set criteria, a certain set of characteristics for instance. Another interesting part is so called Gap Analysis test. Let your employee with an ideal, by your standards, set of characteristics pass a test, the system saves their results and matches it against the results of potential employees. That is the gist of Gap Analysis test. To portray an ideal candidate and automatically accept people with the smallest of gaps between. Following Gap Analysis test approach, you are likely to find a candidate who values things the same way as the person to be matched with is. You are going to like to work with that kind of people.
For the client, it was important to keep the algorithm of evaluation in secret. For this purpose, we created a mechanism which can remind you of public-key cryptography. The result of every test is an array of parameters and only the author of the product knows how to transform these parameters into the end result. Other than that, the project has a standard client-server side architecture. Server side is done on MS Azure, client side is a Single Page Application written in AngularJS and TypeScript.