Models of cooperation

Fixed price Time and materials Dedicated developer/team
Detailed specification Required Not required Not required
Plan of work Strict Flexible Not required
Changes Allowed at extra charge Allowed Allowed
Dedicated human resources no2 no2
Work schedule Part-time Upon agreement Full-time (in average 168 h/m)
Developer’s availability Not disclosed Upon agreement Permanent during working day
Hourly rate High Moderate Low
Idle time N/A N/A Paid by customer
Ukrainian Bank Holidays N/A N/A Paid by customer
Annual 4 weeks vacation (as per Ukrainian law) N/A N/A Paid by customer
Days-off N/A N/A To be worked out by developer or deducted from monthly fee
Overtimes N/A N/A Paid by customer
Tariff Fixed amount Rate per hour Salary + Fixed Fee
Min. budget Equivalent to 60 man/hours Equivalent to 80  man/hours Equivalent to 6 man-month
Payment scheme 50% – Upfront payment
50% – Once approved
Monthly Monthly
Deposit 30% Equivalent to 80 man/hours Equivalent to 1 team-month
Client’s involvement Low High Adjustable
Project duration Up to 2 months Up to 6 months More than 6 months
Average time to start  1 week  2-4 weeks  1-2 months
Support and bugs fixing Premium Support
1 month subscription
Retention of knowledge Low Low High
Retention of developers Low Low High
Training Programs Absent Absent According to the customer’s specific requests
Dedicated hardware and software infrastructure no2 no2
Intellectual property Belongs to customer Belongs to customer Belongs to customer